Spam Assassin Print

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SpamAssassin is a great tool, however it needs to be configured and edited in order to work properly.
Enabling it will mark incoming emails as spam if they meet the required criteria.
SpamAssassin should be modified to rewrite the subject of the email "*******SPAM*******".
As SpamAssassin is now correctly tagging your email with this subject, a second step is needed.
Please create a filter to discard all emails with the subject containing "*******SPAM*******"
To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Login to cPanel
  2. Click on 'User Level Filtering'
  3. Click on 'Manage Filters' link for respective address
  4. Click on 'Create a Filter' button
  5. Change the Filter Name
  6. In the drop-down boxes provided, select 'Subject' and 'Contains' values and enter in text box below it the
    value ' *******SPAM******* '. Select the Action you want.
This will stop any further Spam Assassin marked messages from finding their way into your inbox.

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